How to Create a Database User and Define Privileges Rwanda

Create or Delete a Database User

After creating the database, you will need to create a user and assign privileges. Please note that MySQL user accounts must be created separately from mail and web administrator accounts.

Create a Database User

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Under Databases, click MySQL Databases.
  3. Click Jump to MySQL Users in the top-right corner of the page.
  4. Under Add New User, enter a username.Be sure that the username is 7 letters or shorter.
  5. Enter a password in the Password field.
    • For help generating a strong password, click the Generate Password button.
  6. Retype the password in the Password (Again) field.
  7. Click Create User.

Define a User's Privileges

Privileges determine how a user is able to interact with the database. For example, privileges will dictate whether or not the user can add and delete information.

Assign Privileges to Database User

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Under Databases, click MySQL Databases.
  3. Under Add User to Database, select a user from the User drop-down menu.
  4. From the Database drop-down menu, select the database to which you wish to allow the user access.
  5. Click Add.
  6. From the MySQL Account Maintenance screen, select the privileges you wish to grant the user, or select ALL PRIVILEGES.
  7. Click Make Changes.
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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