1. Log into your cPanel, navigate to section Software/Services > Ruby on Rails.

2. Fill in corresponding fields:
- Insert your application name in App Name text box.
- Checkmark Load on Boot? option and fill in Application Path (filled in automatically by default).
- Set Environment to the preferable type.
and click on Create.

3. Create a rewrite rule for your application in order to access it in the future via web browser.
Click on Create Rewrite for newly created application in Create A Rewrite section.

4. Choose the domain and URL (1) to redirect rails application to and click on Save (2).

5. In order to run the application, click on Run button in Actions section

6. Once the App Status is changed to Running, navigate to your apps URL in the browser. You will see Ruby on Rails welcome board.

This is it!
Environment for your Ruby on Rails application is set up. Feel free to deploy your application now.