What Can You Learn From a Blog? Rwanda

Blogs are written for many reasons and by many different people. A quick internet search will pull up websites, that are actually blogs, to provide the information that you are looking for.

Blogs are available on most Companies and organizations blog about their products and similar subjects. Nonprofits blog about their services and volunteers. Individuals blog about everything under the sun. Chances are if you can think of it you will find a blog about it.

Blogs are opinion pieces, intertwined with factual information. When reading a blog consider the following:

    The author's background. This will help you determine if they know what they are talking about and give you a sense of why they are writing on this topic.

    Check facts. Don't take everything at face value. Find out if the facts are accurate. If they are then you know you have found a good blog to read.

    Learning is a cumulative process. We may get excited when reading one blog until a new one comes along and challenges what we know or have learned. Add what you are learning to your knowledge bank, but don't dismiss what you have read before too quickly. As you process ideas you can decide which ones work for you and which ones don't.

    Find similar blogs. Read several blogs on your topic. This will help you verify information, discover trends, determine which blogs are current and which ones are purely opinion pieces.

    Reading for enjoyment, then just read. If you are simply reading for enjoyment then just find what you like and enjoy. It will be like watching a movie. It's just fun, not academia.

    Blog posts are often re-written to provide the blog fresh content. Bloggers have to keep content fresh to keep visitors coming back. Though the original blog post may be several years old it will appear as it was written as an original piece. This is another reason to verify the factual information in the piece.

There is some great writing and information out there. Whether reading a book, magazine or blog take in what the author is saying, determine if it is accurate, and disregard what isn't.

Writing is a craft and art. Blogging provides writers with a way to practice their craft. Enjoy the many posts and articles that are out there, but use common sense before accepting everything you read as fact.

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