Properties of a Good Domain Name Rwanda

What is a Domain Name

A domain name is the web site or Internet address that you type in the address bar of a browser like It is a way that is used to locate a website or other Internet resources. Every domain name corresponds to an IP (Internet Protocol) address. The domain name is a human readable and memorable representation of an IP address. For example instead of typing the IP address for, one uses the domain name which is easy to remember than the IP address. The use of domain names eliminates the hassle to memorise the long string of the numerical addresses that is used by computers to locate each other on the Internet.

A domain name entails a top level domain and second level domain and may also consist of a third level domain. The Top Level domain is the part that is on the right side of the dot and the second level domain is the part on the left side of the dot. For example in yourcompany is the second level domain is the Top Level domain. The third level domain would be me in

Qualities of a good domain name

Your domain name becomes your brand online and a gateway to your company's products/services storefront. This therefore calls for proper considerations when starting to register a domain so that you register a perfect domain name. Here are some of the things to consider when choosing a domain name,

Keep it short and simple - this makes customers easily remember your web address and eliminates the possibility of misspellings.

Make it easy to convey - Avoid the use of hyphens, the domain name should be easy to say in a phone conversation.

Meaningful and Descriptive - your domain name should be descriptive of your industry or business.

Make it keyword rich - this may help surfers to find you easily on search engines

Avoid copyright issues

Make it brandable - your domain should be easy to brand for example Google and Yahoo

Avoid the use of numbers - by all means avoid domains like unless it's part of the branding

Avoid the use of slang like instead of

Use singular words rather than plurals

Not easily misspelled - avoid using domains which can easily be misspelled such as instead of

Choose an extension related to your industry for example if you are an NGO, an academic we are currently having an offer on domain registration.

If you need more help, check out our article about finding the right domain names [] so that you don't make any awkward mistakes.

And if you've already got a domain, consider taking visiting our website or calling us on +phone for more services.

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