If you need to change a password or a contact email address for a particular cPanel account, you can do this in the following way:
1. Navigate to the List Accounts menu
2. Click on '+' next to the cPanel account you need to change the information for
3. Change the password or email account in corresponding fields and confirm by clicking onChange:
1 Billing
1 Business Cloud Solutions
11 Client Area
7 cPanel
18 Databases
57 Deleted .SS Domains
8 DNS (Name Servers)
34 Domains
38 Email (Mail)
13 Email Programs
6 Files
20 FTP Programs
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2 Hosting Record How-to
0 How Can Your Website Deliver a Better User Experience?
3 Installing Software
8 Introduction to Web Hosting
23 Joomla
3 Logs
13 phpMyAdmin
14 Resellers
729 Resources
17 Security
1 Servers
4 Services and Programs
0 SiteBuilder
9 SiteBuilder Emails
16 Softaculous
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0 Terms of Service
17 Transfers
6 TroubleShooting
2 uploading
3 Using my Browser
1 Web Hosting Glossary
7 Website Builder
1 Where do I go ?
2 Windows Hosting
21 WordPress
- 0 Users Found This Useful
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