What to Do Once You Get Your Email Auto-Responder Setup Rwanda

So, the question should be what do you do now? Obviously, you want to get people to sign up for your email newsletter and start to make some money right? But before the money comes rolling in you need to create a sign up form and find a high traffic area that will convert that form into email subscribers and ultimately into more CASH in YOUR pocket. Ideally, you will already have your own internet marketing blog, affiliate review website, YouTube channel, Facebook page, or some other medium to display your sign up form for your email newsletter. Remember, as everyone in the internet and affiliate marketing industry reiterates constantly, "the money is in the list". Remember it. Learn it. Live it. Love it.

Once you have found the ideal place for your online marketing email list, then you can move forward to creating an attractive looking sign up form through your auto-responder provider, or wherever you manage that form. But don't spend too much time trying to make your sign up form look perfect in every way and agonizing over every exacting detail to the point that it drives you nuts. No one needs to go crazy over a sign up form. The real thing that is going to get people to sign up for your list is what I am going to tell you next.

You need to give people some sort of incentive to sign up for your list, or why would they bother? They wouldn't. So that is exactly why you need to create some sort of free bonus offer that you can give to everyone that signs up to your email list. This way, people get excited about giving you their information because they are going to get something of value for free. And when I say something of value. I mean something of value. Do not just give away some free bonus PDF eBook that is a recipe for hot dogs. You want to give your current, or possible future customers something of real actual value that will actually help them in some way. It could teach them something that they did not previously know about the world of internet marketing or whatever niche you are promoting. While it does need to be of value, do not give away the farm for free. You want to give something valuable, but not too valuable because you want them to come back wanting more information and products from you. That is how you build a solid customer relationship.

As Webhosting.co.rw we make our own products and market them as well as marketing affiliate products for others. Contact us via email info@Webhosting.co.rw or call +phone.

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