Are You Protecting Your Data Online? Rwanda

A lot of us-if not all-are engaged in online transactions from time to time. This is ranging from messaging, contracting and financing. Everytime we do so, we divulge personal information that may be getting in the wrong hands. There is often that fear that something may happen and we can never be fully at ease in doing our businesses online. You are lucky if you are the type of person who always has the time to scrutinize and observe everything prior to sending any information through. What if you are in a hurry?

This is still not an excuse to take your information for granted. A lot of things can be drawn out simply by the use of your email and passwords that is why you need to always check, verify and protect anything you share over the internet no matter how small or insignificant you may deem it to be.

Dispose gadgets properly. You need to understand that your gadgets did-once in your life-hold personal information about you or someone who has used it for personal transactions. You can try to wipe off all data in the memory using software that can clean it wipe. For laptops, it has often been deemed safe to totally physically destroy the hard disk as it is sometimes still possible for others to gather data that has been deleted.

Encrypt vital information. It has often been discouraged to send sensitive information over the internet (i.e., passwords and security numbers). This is opening a possibility for your information to be stolen. If you can, encrypt these information so that the only one who can open it are the people you intend to give it to.

Manage your social networking sites. A lot of us like to share and post almost everything there is to know about us publicly on social networking sites which may often lead to giving out information that allows people to hack into our financial data. Never share publicly unnecessary items that may give a link to your personal transactions especially to strangers.

Open attachments with care. Do not just open an attachment because you know the sender or because it may look cute. Always verify attachments are safe and you know what they are about. Otherwise you may be allowing malware into your system and giving out all the information you have. Remember that there are malwares that can log in every keypad stroke and the harmless thing you did can cause you everything you own and have and even more.
Always make sure you protect yourself and all data that belongs to you as it is easier to steal them online. Thieves have used technology to their advantage. We no longer live in an age where somebody will just snatch your bag from the streets. Now, everything can be taken from you even if you are in a safe place or at home.

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